Tomorrow never comes.
Yes, you read that right, tomorrow never comes.
Have you ever planned something that you will do tomorrow, but then it just ended up getting pushed to the next day?
Why is it so easy for us to simply say, “I will do that tomorrow?”
How are we so confident that we will see tomorrow?
We have this illusion in our minds that since we have seen yesterday that we will definitely see tomorrow. So we go days, months even years on end delaying or as we say – waiting for the “perfect time.” But, if we spend our lives waiting, we will neither enjoy our today nor our tomorrow. Why not just do it now? The majority of people in the world remain bound by mental constraints their entire lives while a small percentage of high performers reach somewhere near their peak potential.
Malala Yousafzai, Barack Obama, Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey. I find each of these individuals as pioneers in their fields not because of their fame or wealth, but because of their understanding that life is a game and one that cannot be played on the sidelines. My name is Akshar Patel. No, I am not a hotel owner nor do I own a Dunkin Donuts franchise, but my dad does own a motel (although I wish it was the latter!)
I know what you are probably thinking. Patel? I must be a doctor. Yes, I am a doctor, but not a practicing doctor (We will get this later!) But getting back to the topic, for as long as I can remember, I have had these great ideas and plans but also a laundry list of reasons (excuses) for why I can’t do that now but not today – tomorrow.
For me, that tomorrow never came, because it often became weeks, months, and years later. I would metaphorically stand on the sidelines envying those that are on the field. But it wasn’t they who were holding me back, it was actually myself. Fear and doubt play a role in every decision we make in life. Just think, how many times today or in the past week have you asked yourself, “But what if I fail?”
The question we should be asking ourselves is, “But what if I succeed?” Marie Curie was an icon in the field of chemistry. During her time, it was unthinkable for a woman to be at the forefront of scientific discovery. Her discoveries not only led to groundbreaking research, but she even won two Nobel Prizes. Now, she could have had a hundred valid excuses of not pushing forward despite the challenges and hurdles she faced, but she didn’t wait for that perfect tomorrow to come. Instead she pushed ahead in a male-dominated field and paved the way forward for young girls all around the world.
Marie Curie took action and overcame her mental hesitation to reach her peak potential. You may not be a world renowned scientist, an elite athlete, or an influencer. Neither am I. But we can start by living to the fullest today because the the time is now. Tomorrow may not come but we still have today. Therefore, I have decided to walk in the path of these high-achievers and would like to bring you along on the journey.
Welcome to Money and Milestones! This blog will share tips and tricks in personal finance with an occasional mix of some historical context, because money drives the world and history may not always repeat but it does rhyme.